Staff & Supervision


Our Staff LOVE working at Cedarbrook! The most important reason for our success is the care and supervision they give to our campers. You won't find a team of more excited, eager and dedicated counselors, instructors and administrators! Our employees return to Cedarbrook year after year to carry on our wonderful camp traditions.

We take pride in our mature, talented staff of dedicated teachers and enthusiastic college students. Many of them started as campers, and went on to become counselors and supervisors. They have extensive professional experience in education and child development. From supervising and guiding staff to participating in activities, to addressing the needs of individual campers, our staff is devoted to making sure that your child receives the best care.

Our staff is made up of dedicated counselors and specialists. Each group of campers has one to two counselors including our C.I.T members, depending on the groups size. Our Specialists run individual program areas, teaching skills and helping and encouraging campers to discover new talents. They come to us with backgrounds in teaching and coaching.




Our staff receives many hours of training before camp begins!  Unlike other camps, the entire team must attend a mandatory 30-40 hours of pre-camp training sessions. We also have ongoing staff development to keep our staff sharp during the summer while working with your child.

Cedarbrook looks for the best and brightest applicants! We hire individuals with years of experience working in education and/or coaching. We employ certified teachers, college and graduate students studying early childhood, elementary, secondary, or physical education.

We don’t hire applicants who just want a summer job; we want a team that really enjoys working with young people of all ages! 

It’s easy to get excited about our great programming; but the greatest summertime adventures happen when our staff interacts with your child and fosters genuine relationships!



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